Privacy Policy

At HOTRIC we are grateful for your generous support through prayers, financial giving and your time of fellowship with us.

Thank you for your support over the years. Without you our mission in the UK and in the international countries will not be effective. “Without the vision the people perish” says the Bible and also goes to say “Where there is no people the vision is stagnant.” Thank you for believing and serving so that the affairs of our King do not suffer loss.
As a ministry, we are committed to protecting your privacy; and, promise to respect your personal information and do all we can to keep it safe. We will do our uttermost best on how we obtain your details and process your details.

We have never shared or sell your personal details and we will neither sell nor share your personal details with third parties without your personal written consent for the purpose of marketing.

If you ever receive any form from us and you are not comfortable in giving us necessary information we requested please note that you are not under obligation to fill the form. Even though our forms give clear information you are free to exercise your freewill right to either respond or not. However, we promise you that your personal details are kept within our ministry.

Your details will only help us to send you information concerning our ministry events if you already indicate such on the form.

If at any time you do not want your details on our file kindly do so by sending us your request on or call +44 (0)207 2316685

How do we collect your details?


When you respond to our event registration online; when you fill one of our Giving envelopes or when you fill our membership form.

Also when you physically fill a Registration form at the Registration desk in any of our events i.e. Yearly Conferences, Women Breakfast events and other seminars


We may receive your details from other independent fundraising sites; they too will contact you before sharing your details.

Will other organisations have permission to share or is it available to the public?

The information we get from other organisations may depend on your privacy settings or the responses and permissions you give, so you should check them regularly.

Social Media:

Depending on your settings or the privacy policies for social media and messaging services like Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter, we might have permission to access information from those sources. We will not add this information to your personal details.

What personal details we might collect from you?

As a member of our ministry or supporter of our mission, the example will be when you make financial donations, order resources or register for our events.

Your name
Your date of birth
Your contact details including postal address, email, telephone numbers including home, work, mobile indicating which one you prefer us to use to contact you in future.
Bank details if you are making donations by a Standing Order or a one-off giving.
Debit or Credit card details used to give to us your financial support either through online, telephone or by our Giving envelopes. We will process your information securely and in accordance with the Payment Card industry standards. Your details are only used to complete the transaction requested; we do not store your debit or credit card details. If you have provided them physically, they are securely destroyed once your donation or payment has completed.
Your Gift Aid status
Your position within the ministry or charitable trust.
We need your details for our missions overseas.

Other sensitive details such as health issues, marital issues, general family information.How do we use this information?

We use your details to send you information about our events, either by text, WhatsApp, Facebook or any other social media you permitted us like email or by post.

Having accurate information from you is important to us as we will use them to:

Provide you with accurate information you need…
Update you with our mission work in the nations and other support given us in our work…
Process your donation including the Gift Aid…
To be sure how you want us to contact you…
To keep accurate record of your giving…
To ensure that vulnerable people are well looked after…
If you make a substantial gift to our ministry, we will like to contact you to thank you using your details’ contact unless you desire to be an anonymous giver.

HOTRIC will not profit from your details by sharing or selling your information to third parties for the purposes of their marketing.
Legal bases for processing your data:

From May 2018 we will process any new member, partner and supporter’s data based on the consent you have given to us.
Legitimate interest for existing partners or supporters.

If you have been getting information from us for the past three years, we will use this period as a legitimate interest reason to continue to send you communications from us.

If you do not want us to contact you again, kindly inform us through our email address: or Tel: +44 207 2316685.

Keeping your information up to dateWe will appreciate it if you let us know if your contact or personal details change, as this gives us consent to use the updated information and continue to communicate with you.

How long we will keep your information for?

We will keep your contact as long as you are still in communication with us and as you want it.
We will keep your record of donation too for at least seven years.
If you ask us to cease communications with you, we will keep a record of your contact details and appropriate information to enable us to comply with your request.

Right of access

You have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you. If there are any discrepancies in the details we provide, please let us know and we will correct them.
If you want to access your information, send a description of the information you want to see and proof of your identity by post to:

Administrative Officer on +44 207 2316685 or